Ľudmila Lacková
Biological Writing: An Appendix to The Language Metaphor of Life Ľudmila Lacková The language metaphor of life has been proposed as an analogy to the linguistic model, where a specific […]
Peter Lang
Deleuze and Biosemiotics Peter Lang The aim of this paper is to establish a clear link between biosemiotics and Deleuzean philosophy. This can be done by highlighting the affinity in […]
Rebeca Méndez-Veras & Òscar Castro
Biosemiotics as a theoretical framework to approach the human gut-microbiota-brain-axis Rebeca Méndez-Veras & Ã’scar Castro The human brain has approximately 86-100 billion neurons; however, the enteric nervous system has an […]
Mariana Vitti Rodrigues, Claus Emmeche & Henrik Nielsen
Protein language models and the semiotic language of Signal Peptides Mariana Vitti Rodrigues, Claus Emmeche & Henrik Nielsen Are language models learning to read the language of nature? This communication […]
Óscar Miyamoto
Tales of semiotic freedom Óscar Miyamoto Do we have the means to clearly explain biosemiotics to the general public? Reaching broader audiences is not only feasible, but also a responsible […]
Phillip Guddemi
The Creative Porpoise Climbs the Semiotic Scaffolding Phillip Guddemi One of Jesper Hoffmeyer’s many innovative concepts in biosemiotics was that of semiotic freedom. I propose to relate Hoffmeyer’s idea of […]
Tyler Bennett
Waste and the Second Turn in Biosemiotics Tyler Bennett The main characteristics of the second turn in biosemiotics are: “(a) extending the integration to Saussurean approaches; i.e. developing a general […]
Kalevi Kull
The Concept of Umweb: On the Linkages between Umwelten Kalevi Kull Umwelt, the concept introduced by Jakob von Uexküll, has been commonly defined as the subjective world of organism. Once […]
Katarzyna Machtyl
Umwelt as a Trans-sign Network, or The Implications of Biosemiotics to Humanities Katarzyna Machtyl The main thesis of the proposed talk is that biosemiotics has significantly changed and reformulated the […]
Isabel Ferreira
The Importance of the Concept of Umwelt in a Changing World Isabel Ferreira In the last decades, humankind has been experiencing the cumulative effects of a profound technological development that […]

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